
Solar Flare Will Cause Brief Radio Darkening

The sun released a robust solar flare past due Monday night which briefly caused a radio blackout.

Sky News reports that the Country wide Oceanic and Atmospheric Association classified the radio blackout brought on by the solar pazazz as an R3 on a R1-R5 range.

NOAA describes an R3 radio stations blackout, writing:

“HF Radio: Wide area room darkening of HF radio connection, loss of radio get in touch with for about an hour in sunlit side regarding Earth. Navigation: Low-frequency direction-finding signals degraded approximately an hour.”

The CS Monitor reports that this solar flare last night erupted from the sunspot AR11598. The same sunspot offers produced three solar power flares in the last two days and astronomers believe that it's going to produce more flare this week.

Astronomer Tony Phillips wrote on Spaceweather.com:

“This means more flames are probably in the offing, and they can become increasingly Earth-directed because sunspot turns toward the planet in the days ahead.”

Very last night’s event was ranked as an X1.8 pv flare, one of the better classifications, by NOAA as well as the National Weather Service. X class photo voltaic flares indicate powerful solar storms that could disrupt communication that is known. M class flame can create spectacular Auroras and C class solar flares have little in order to no effect on planet.

Here’s a video of the photo voltaic flare that triggered a brief radio room darkening last night.

The Space Climate Prediction Center produces:

“Impulsive flares aren’t generally associated with severe space weather conditions, and additionally, this place is still several days faraway from directly facing Planet from center computer. Nonetheless, the potential for continuing activity remains, so stay tuned for improvements as Region 1598 can make its way through the visible disk.”

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